LOL. BRB. I’ve got this crazy blog assignment to write for class…

            Texting is sadly a huge part of our society. Not very many people believe in face to face contact anymore. It’s all done via text or Facebook. I mean even our English courses have us posting in blogs these days. In all reality it’s much more convenient to reply to a text when you have time, rather than stopping everything to answer a phone call. I am just as guilty as anyone. I send a ridiculous amount of text messages a day. Although I do refuse to seriously use LOL, LMAO, and SMH in daily conversation. I prefer to use correct spelling and punctuations, typos excluded. My Grandma is constantly sending me acronyms for things I’ve never heard of. She is actually the one I go to when I’m not sure what someone is trying to say. We constantly get into agreements. I constantly hound her, “can’t you just spell out the word? You’re only leaving out one letter!” “No, it takes too long! You understand what I’m saying most of the time,” my Grandma will exclaim. I’m definitely not hip with the text lingo but I do abuse my unlimited texting/media plan.


  1. I am also a guilt having to text a lot through out the day.

  2. I like to use proper grammar in text messages as well. (Or what I believe to be proper grammar) ...LOL

  3. I use some text lingo but sometimes I have no idea what some mean. I have to ask my little sister or Google it to find out so I know what you mean.

  4. People are way too anti-social these days.

  5. I don't know all there is to know about text lingo but I am guilty of sometimes using it sometimes. Sadly, I get into those same arguments with my mom.

  6. I feel the same way about my aunt texting me different acronyms because half the time I don't know what she is saying.

  7. I also refuse to use lol, lmao, smh.
    Some acronyms are pointless!


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